Arah powered by SHL Indonesia

Curious about your potential? Or are you confused about which career path to choose? With “ARAH” we can help to ARAH (direct) you to the best choice!
Navigate Your Success

Know Yourself Better

The younger generation is often nicknamed ‘Job-Hopper’ due to changing career paths and companies in short period of time without a clear direction.

On the one hand, there is the problem of link and match. On the other hand, there is the problem of communication distance. Future generations are perceived as less suitable, as consequences for the link and match process are increasingly hard to fulfil.

ARAH powered by SHL Indonesia

‘Arah’ is a response to the anxiety of the younger generation who find it difficult to fit into the work environment or the professional world.

Link and match program a la SHL Indonesia. We take the initiative to help future generations by providing a way to discover their potential, interests and aspirations in the appropriate industry and career type, including job-fit and culture-fit.

Don’t lose your way, because there is Arah! (Direction)

The Process?

Self Discovery - potentials, interests and aspirations - includes personality elements that may not have been recognised or used to their full potential.

An affordable way to share knowledge, build networks and consult careers.

Benefit ARAH?

You know the dynamics of yourself and the implications for your dream career journey.

You can identify areas of yourself that are strengths and areas of development.

You become better equipped to promote yourself as an EXCELLENT TALENT!

You find your right path and move more comfortably. You found your ARAH! (Direction)